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Red Pandas

The red panda are small mammals that live mostly the mountains of Nepal. They can also be found in Myanmar and Central China. They eat bamboo and are mostly found in the forest habitat. Unfortunately they are endangered. This means that they are going extinct. Red pandas are going extinct due to people cutting down trees from their habitat. They are losing food, their homes, and etc. Some of their their threats on the IUCN red list are Residential and commercial development, agriculture and aquaculture, energy production and mining, transportation service and corridors, biological resource use, human intrusions and disturbance, problematic genes, geological events, climate change and severe weather. The reason that deforestation is making the population go down is because they will loose their food and homes. Without food or homes they won't be able to survive. Some of the conservation actions listed are in place research, water protection, species management, and educating people on how to protect them. We can save them by taking action and making sure that we protect the forest, red pandas, and everything else in the forest. Right now the mature red panda population is at about less than 10,000 in the entire world. We need to protect these wonderful creatures. Without them wouldn't have any diversity with our animals. Thank you for reading! Please bring more awareness to red pandas and the economy. These species are key to our society and we need to see more colors in our animal species. Always make sure that you are doing all you can for the society. All species are important to us and the environment and if we don't take care of them unspeakable things can happen to our society. Always make sure to recycle and reach out and volunteer at places like humane society to give a helping hand.


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